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Drag Your GAN AI Tool - How to Use

 It's an Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold.

Drag Your GAN is a new technique for interactive point-based manipulation of images. It works by first learning a generative image manifold using a GAN. Once the manifold is learned, Drag Your GAN allows users to deform an image by dragging points on the image. The points are then moved towards their target positions on the manifold, which results in a new image.

How to use Drag Your GAN?

Step 1: Download the Drag Your GAN software.

Step 2: Open the software and select an image to edit.

Step 3: Click on the points on the image that you want to move.

Step 4: Drag the points to the new position that you want them to be in.

Step 5: Click on the “Apply” button to see the changes.

You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts to control the Drag Your GAN software:

Left click: Select a point

Right click: Delete a point

Shift + left click: Add a point

Ctrl + left click: Move a point

Spacebar: Apply the changes

Escape: Cancel the changes

Here are some examples of what you can do with Drag Your GAN:

  • We can change the pose of an object by dragging points on the object’s body.
  • We can change the shape of an object by dragging points on the object’s outline.
  • We can change the expression of a person’s face by dragging points on their face.
  • We can change the layout of a scene by dragging points on the scene’s objects.
  • We can hallucinate occluded content by dragging points on the image’s background.
  • We can deform shapes that consistently follow the object’s rigidity by dragging points on the object’s surface.

Features of Drag Your GAN

It is a new technique for interactive point-based manipulation of images. It has several features that make it a powerful tool for image editing.

  1. Precise control: Drag Your GAN allows users to deform images with precise control over where pixels go. This is in contrast to traditional image editing techniques, which often require users to make large, imprecise changes to images.
  2. Flexibility: It can be used to manipulate images in a variety of ways, including changing the pose, shape, expression, and layout of objects. This makes it a versatile tool for a wide range of image editing tasks.
  3. Efficiency: It is efficient, typically requiring only a few seconds to manipulate an image. This makes it a practical tool for everyday image editing tasks.
  4. Accuracy: It produces realistic results, even for challenging scenarios such as hallucinating occluded content and deforming shapes that consistently follow the object’s rigidity. This makes it a reliable tool for image editing tasks that require high accuracy.

Drag your gan website

The official website for Drag Your GAN is The website provides information about the project, including the research paper, the software, and the team. You can also sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the software is released.

Drag your gan github

The Drag Your GAN code is available on GitHub: The code is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

The code repository contains the following files and folders:

./assets: This folder contains the assets used by the code, such as the images and the pre-trained GAN model.

./code: This folder contains the source code of the Drag Your GAN software.

./docs: This folder contains the documentation for the Drag Your GAN software.

./tests: This folder contains the unit tests for the Drag Your GAN software.

drag your gan download

Drag Your GAN is currently under development and is not yet available for download. The developers have stated that they plan to release the software in June 2023. You can sign up for their mailing list to be notified when the software is released.


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